Processing, classification, and intelligent indexing of documents


This service involves processing images to improve their quality, recognize and classify them according to a classification plan, extract attributes and characteristics to enrich the classification, and extract relevant and validated data to feed clients’ mission-critical systems.

AI is an integral part of these processing workflows, enhancing speed, quality, integrity, and completeness with precision levels often exceeding human interventions.

This service enables the processing of digital documents regardless of their source: digitization, conversion, PDF files, faxes, etc.

What are our services

This service allows clients and organizations to outsource processing, facilitating integration with mission-critical systems while maintaining efficient service levels.

Our tools and specialized teams efficiently manage fluctuations caused by volume variations and personnel changes.

The processing capacity and advancement of intelligent tools enable us to mitigate unforeseen events.

Our experience and deep knowledge of various organizations and industries are high-value elements that provide tangible benefits.

Different technologies

Form and document recognition tools

Document processing and conversion tools

Parallel processing mechanisms for accelerated workflows

Data extraction, indexing, and capture tools

Case studies

2,000 document types within a financial document classification framework

1,000 data extractions from forms containing more than 1,000 characters each

Dynamic image enhancement and adjustment based on document type

Our other services

Massive and daily digitization

Automated digital mailroom services

Assisted management of physical and digital document workflows

Consulting services in governance and digital transformation